Anthony Doran Anthony Doran

How R&D will facilitate a green and swift recovery in the UK following COVID-19: A Summary

Research and innovation through the rewards of the R&D Tax Credits scheme will be critically important to achieving this; through creating new ideas and new technologies and applying them, driving continuous improvement and supporting productivity, generating a better understanding of people and communities, supporting exciting new careers and vibrant new businesses, and helping to improve public services.

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Anthony Doran Anthony Doran

#WorldEnvironmentDay - R&D aiding the pathway to a greener future:

In light of the COVID-19 crisis, the importance of being able to find ingenious, practical, and timely solutions to the most challenging problems is even clearer. Research and development will be critical to economic and social recovery from the impacts of COVID-19, enabling us to build a greener, healthier and more resilient UK.

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